At the age of 16, Jamie Lapierre didn't have money to buy his mother a Christmas present. So, he wrote her a heartfelt letter. Five years after he gave it to her, Jamie Lapierre died at work. Today, 25 years later, Jamie's story is a lasting reminder of the love and loss Brenda, his mother, and Jamie's family hold every day.
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Kyle's family and friends knew him to be upbeat, full of life, and always smiling. And he took that attitude with him to his new job at an auto body shop.
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Ron lived his life with joy and kindness. He was a soulmate to his wife, Barb, and his daughters' hero. He left them all knowing how much they were loved.
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When remembering his brother Glenn, Allen Martin says simply and proudly, "He never had much, but he didn't need much either. Friends, family and fun...that was Glenn."
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Peter was a dedicated father and grandfather who made sure his daughters knew they were loved. He taught them to fish, explore the outdoors and how to do basic mechanical maintenance to help them to become independent women.
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Lewis was a fisherman. The sort of fishing he did is called purse seining. He was looking forward to being a grandfather. Instead his name is etched on a monument.
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An amateur astronomer, Scott also loved being a fisherman and on the ocean. In 2009, he went overboard and was never found.
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At 20 years old, Michael Doucette had a large heart and loved life. He especially liked to kid around with others - pulling practical jokes. He was lost at sea in January 2013.
Tommy Raymond worked as a foreman at a container pier in Bedford, NS for over 25 years. On September 13, 2009, Tommy had been called in to work an extra shift.
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Gerry and his dad Gerald were hard-working fishermen. It was late May, the best time of year for lobster fishing.
Read Gerry's story
On the Friday before Thanksgiving in 1999 Larry MacKay, a saw-filer in a saw mill, called home from the hospital to tell his wife Cheryl he'd been cut at work.
Read Larry's story
On a Monday morning in September 2006, Keith - or Mickey as he was affectionately known to friends and family - went to work just like so many Mondays before.
Read Keith's story
When Joe woke up in the hospital two weeks after an industrial explosion at his workplace, he was recovering from burns over 65% of his body.
Read Joe's story
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